ThreadsPad is a tool for parallel processing
Working on one commercial project I had to import and parse a xls file. Since the file had huge amount of data the parsing took time. To overcome this time-consuming process I had to split a parsing thread on a few ones. For this purpose I wrote a gem that allows to solve this task. ThreadsPad allows to run a task in a few parallel threads. Once you started them you will get id of threads suite with this id you can control them and see logs.
Check demo app that was inspired from my commercial project.
Add the gem to yout Gemfile:
gem "threads_pad"
ThreadsPad uses two threads_pad_jobs and threads_pad_job_logs tables which should be generated and migrated:
rails generate threads_pad i
rake db:migrate
ThreadsPad works with classes descended from ThreadsPad::Job class. This class has a virtual work method that will do all work in a thread.
For example, assume we need to calculate a sum. We will launch 3 threads
class CalcWork < ThreadsPad::Job
def initialize start, count
@start = start
@count = count
def work
sum= @start
self.max = @count
@count.times do
sum += 1
debug "current #{self.current}"
if terminated?
debug 'terminated'
return sum
ThreadsPad::Job has following attributes and methods you can control:
- #min - minimal value of progress
- #max - maximal value of progress
- #current - current value of progress, between min and max
- #terminated? - check whether job is terminated or not
- #debug(msg) - log msg
Let’s launch threads:
pad =
pad << 1, 10000
pad << 10001, 10000
pad << 20001, 10000
@job_id = pad.start
The ThreadsPad::Pad class has following methods:
- #current - get a current position of the progress
- #done? - check if a process is finished/terminated or dead
- #log - log a msg
- #logs - get logs for a current job
- #terminate - terminate a current job
- ::terminate - terminate all jobs which are in database
- #destroy_all - remove from db all records that belongs to a current job. If a job is not finished yet, it will be marked as destroy_on_finish. Once it get finished it will destroy itself.
- # start - starts jobs added to pad. It returns id number for this bundle of jobs.
Getting a Status
Ok, we have launched threads in background, so how we can control them and get feeback. For referencing to bundle of threads we need to memorize @job_id, then we have to instantiate ThreadsPad::Pad. Here is example of coffee script:
<% @pad = @job_id %>
$('#percents').html("<%= @pad.current%>")
<% filter_job_logs(@pad.logs).each do |log|%>
$('#logs').append("<%= "#{log[:id]}\t#{log[:msg]}\<br\>".html_safe %>")
filter_job_logs is a view helper that prevents of flooding logs. It works with rails Session helper, so you ajax request might look as following:
dataType: 'script'
beforeSend: (xhr)->
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'))
Behind The Curtain
Every ThreadsPad::Job encapsulates ThreadsPad::JobReflection ActiveRecord class. It represents by threads_pad_jobs table:
- t.boolean “terminated”
- t.boolean “done”
- t.string “result”
- t.integer “group_id”
- t.integer “integer”
- t.integer “max”
- t.integer “current”
- t.integer “min”
- t.boolean “started”
- t.boolean “destroy_on_finish”
- t.string “thread_id”
Every time you call ThreadsPad::Job members (max, min, current, terminated?) it calls the same members in ThreadsPad::JobReflection. However, all calls go via “cache”, so you end up with cached value. It counts how many times you call a member, by default once you called 100 times(all members share this 100 times) it would sync a cached value with db value. You can change this variable:
pad = nil, iteration_sync: 10