If anyone faced an issue after setting webhooks with self-signed certificate updates do not come to server. This article may help you.
For working with Telegram Bot I use telegram-bot-ruby gem
Here is my rake tasks:
desc 'create ssl'
task create_ssl: :environment do
cmd = "openssl req \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-sha256 \
-nodes \
-keyout %{file_name_key} \
-x509 \
-days 365 \
-out %{file_name_pem} \
-subj \" /C=%{C}/ST=%{ST}/L=%{L}/O=%{O}/CN=%{host} \"
" %
:file_name_key => 'telegram.key' ,
:file_name_pem => 'telegram.pem' ,
:C => "IT" ,
:ST => "state" ,
:L => "location" ,
:O => "description" ,
:host => ENV [ "CERT_HOST" ]
exec cmd
desc "set webhook"
task set_webhook: :environment do
Telegram :: Bot :: Client . run ( TELEGRAM_TOKEN ) do | bot |
hook_url = ENV [ "BOT_HOST" ] + "/webhooks/telegram"
puts "Setting webhook url: #{ hook_url } "
resp = bot . api . set_webhook url: hook_url , certificate: File . open ( 'telegram.pem' )
puts resp . inspect
After creation self-signed certificate and then setting webhook I ended up in a situation when I didn’t get update from telegram.
I looked at nginx logs and saw following lines:
SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:14094418:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca:SSL alert number 48) while SSL handshaking
After days of googling I managed to figure out. Turned out
bot . api . set_webhook url: hook_url , certificate: File . open ( 'telegram.pem' )
didn’t do a work. It didn’t upload certificate.
I used a curl command:
curl -F "url=https://<HOSTNAME>/webhooks/telegram" -F "certificate=@<FULL_PATH_TO_CERT.pem" https://api.telegram.org/bot<BOT_TOKEN>/setWebhook
After this everything started working properly.